Thursday, March 12, 2009


SO one thing that texas is famous for is Blue Bell Ice Cream.  My SIL Hillary used to live out here and is always talking about the ice cream, well HIllary eat your heart out.

My mom and dad were in town and I wanted them to try the ice cream, so i bought every flavor they had in the pint sized,
Roscoe doesn't need any help

Ice Cream makes everything fun


THE BELLS said...

Oh blue I miss you so....the mint chip is the BOMB!

Jaye said...

Poooooor Hillary!
I am sure there are things in CA that you miss.

Like ME! :)

Julene said...

Mmmmmm I love icecream! That is a feast!

Jamie said...

Well, now I want ice cream! Also, we have the exact same kitchen cabinets as you!