Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Biggest Blunder In my History

So here is what happened to me today at work. I went to Rich's classroom to say and he was not there. I sat down at his desk talking to one of his aides. I get up to leave and the chair that I am sitting in hits the fire extinguisher and knocks the thing to the floor. The thing starts spraying yellow powder every where. Rich's kids are low functioning autistic kids and they start freaking out. the fire extinguisher wont turn off and I am not sure how it is going off because no one is pushing the lever thing Mean while Richs room is getting a lawyer of yellow dust all over the room, over everything. We get the kids out of the room and into the other room. The administrator gets there and we are trying to get a game plan for cleaning up the mess. Then the fire alarm goes off and we have to evacuate the entire school, which 1/3 of them are sitting at lunch. Richs kids start freaking out again, they are crying and running around. It is a mess. Then later that day one of Rich's kids has not gotten over it and starts biting himself and gets blood all over Rich and then bites Rich. My kids, who are high functioning autistic kids are shot for the day. One of them tries to leave the school. Gotta say that is was a pretty crappy day, and all because I wanted to say to my valentine.


Ariane said...

As I read this I just felt awful for you. I can't even imagine. Luckily, you now have one of those "What is your most embarrassing story?" stories. I have been working in many schools, and I bet it was a mess especially with lunches. Oh my, I feel for you!

The Jensens said...

Okay, my embaarrassing fire alarm story is nothing compared to yours. I set it off at the school right when I started working there by burning popcorn in the microwave. You take the win!

Ling Wx said...

I can understand your feeling ~ the friend of mine

bendy rebel said...

well on the plus side...um...ok theirs gotta be something positive...um...ah yes got it...you didn't have a boring day! lol
I just came across your blog and will subscribe to it if thats ok. I have ehlers danlos syndrome hypermobility type. I just discovered a few days ago that their may be a link between autism and hypermobility