We moved to Texas two years ago and have taken maybe 7 trips back home and have put many dollars on our credit cards doing so. i recently quit my job to stay home and we have made major cut backs, trips to california was one of them.
To be in a city where you have no history, no family, no memories is very sad sometimes. I often would feel so left out when I would call me girlfriends and they were all going out to dinner. When we first moved here I would cry just talking to my mom on the phone. The worst was when I would call on SUnday night when everyone would go to my parents for dinner and I could here all of them having phone and joking and laughing. It killed me to not be a part of that.
I also had the blessing of having dozens of cousins around me when I grew up and Roxy and Roscoe will not have that. That makes me really sad. BUT...
Tonight I went to enrichment. When I was working I never went to Relief Society events because I was so tired. When I was there at enrichment I felt very at home and like I belonged. I have a very special ward. One that is very similiar to the Gibson Park Ward for those of you who remember. In this ward the woman are friendly, welcoming and there is not a clique to be found. I love this ward like no other ward I have been in, and in the time we have been married I have been in 5 wards. The other night we went to the Pinewood Derby and we talking about which girls will be going to Kindergarten together. We are connected now. We have Family that we share Holidays with. We may not be connected by blood but we are certainly connected by love. We have a future. I was reading Hillary's blog which was talking about the past but I can not help but get excited about the future that we have made for Roxy and Roscoe here in Texas.
I feel for you buddy. We couldn't do it...that is why we moved to Utah. We have seen more family in the past 2 months than we did the past 3 years! I am so excited you are in a ward you love, it makes a difference.
Amen! My family was always the ones not around the rest of the family and it was kind of hard because all our other cousins were closer to each other, but we lived a good life. It was always a relief to know that there was a ward family waiting for us anywhere we moved to. They truely are a family.
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